Thursday, July 30, 2020

Alexrocks101’s : dos & donts for Shanghai Disneyland resort

Everyone should be allowed to save splash mountain at Disneyland resort , Disney world resort, and Tokyo Disney resort , cause I heard that Louisiana doesn’t have any mountains there. nothing but Ant hills , road ramps , and a lot of trees and dirty swamps! The princess and the frog ride is the one who’s guilty!

#signuptoday and #savesplashmountain today

#PAWS All Princess and the frog ride attractions are moving  to Shanghai Disneyland resort and Hong Kong Disneyland resort  in China Asia for eternity! 

Disneyland resort & Walt Disney World resort America 
USA is eternally cancellation the princess and the frog rides
Are shutting down Alex O’s petition for shameless dislike behavior! 

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