Sunday, July 26, 2020

Alexrocks101’s : Dos & Donts for Hong Kong Disneyland resort!

Everyone should be allowed to save splash mountain at Disneyland resort , Disney world resort, and Tokyo Disney resort , cause I heard that Louisiana doesn’t have any mountains there. nothing but Ant hills , road ramps , and a lot of trees and dirty swamps! The princess and the frog ride is the one who’s guilty! The story of Princess and the Frog shouldn’t have to move into Splash Mountain; it deserves its own elaborate show building, with brand-new figures and a story worthy of its voyage through the bayou.

#signuptoday and #savesplashmountain


All Princess and the frog ride attractions are moving  to Shanghai Disneyland resort and Hong Kong Disneyland resort  in China Asia for All eternity!
Disneyland resort & Walt Disney World resort America 
USA is eternally cancellation the princess and the frog rides
Are shutting down Alex O’s petition for shameless dislike behavior! 


  1. Please
    #savesplashmountain with whole bunch of love 💗

  2. #savesplashmountain2022 #leavesplashmountainaloneorelse we’re not quitting just yet !
