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Godblessyou on your birthday! Xoxo Alexandra C Williams
It’s hard to escape the facts about smoking. The health risks associated with cigarettes are well documented, and the large, graphic warnings on every pack are obvious. But when it comes to e-cigarettes, making a healthy decision can be more difficult.
Some celebrate the arrival of these “smokeless” nicotine tools as a safe alternative to cigarettes, cigars and other tobacco products. The devices don’t emit the same cancer-causing tar and toxins that burning tobacco leaves produce.
But that’s not the whole story. Many e-cigarettes are loaded with addictive nicotine and even those without nicotine may contain toxic chemicals.
So is it safe to vape? We talked to Jason Robinson, Ph.D., associate professor in Behavioral Science, about the dangers of e-cigarette aerosol.
What is vaping?
E-cigarettes are nicotine delivery devices that have a battery, a heating element and a container for liquid. When the liquid is heated, users inhale the aerosol. The liquids are usually flavored and contain nicotine, so users experience a taste sensation as well as a hit of the same addictive stimulant found in cigarettes.
Vaping or vaporizing is the word used to describe inhaling the aerosol produced by e-cigarettes or similar devices like vaporizers or vapor pens. One brand, Juul, has become so popular that a new verb, Juuling, is widely used.
The risks of vaping
Researchers do know that e-cigarette aerosol contains toxic chemicals like those found in glue and paint. What’s less clear is if the amounts are high enough to cause diseases like cancer.
“The biggest problem is that we don’t know exactly what goes into all the flavorings, and there are thousands of them,” says Robinson. Experts say it could take 20 years to know the long-term health effects of vaporizing.
But there are some clear dangers to e-cigarettes, particularly when it comes to nicotine.
Nicotine is addictive. In fact, it’s one of the most addictive substances available. An addiction to nicotine can lead e-cigarette users, especially kids, to escalate to regular cigarettes.
“The fear is that these young people who would never have tried cigarettes are now getting dependent on nicotine at the most impressionable time,” Robinson says.
Nicotine is harmful. This is particularly true for young, developing brains. Nicotine use can stunt an adolescent’s ability to learn and affect their behavior. It lowers their ability to resist addiction, leading to more nicotine use. Nicotine also worsens conditions like depression and anxiety.
If you have asthma, e-cigarette aerosol can irritate your throat and lungs.
If you’re a smoker, vaping could support your habit, not break it. Instead of transitioning from cigarettes to e-cigarettes, some smokers end up using both.
“There’s no evidence that people can switch and stay switched, some people go on to dual use,” Robinson says. “They may cut back on cigarettes but they use e-cigarettes to get nicotine in areas where smoking is banned.”
This increases their nicotine addiction instead of lessening it, he says.
Nicotine patches, nicotine gum and other smoking cessation products are designed to help smokers wean off nicotine. Unlike e-cigarettes, they are proven to work.
The liquids and devices can be dangerous. E-cigarettes have been known to explode and the fluid is poisonous if it comes into contact with eyes or skin, or if you accidentally or deliberately drink it.
Robinson says the reasons for avoiding Juuls and e-cigarettes are compelling.
“If you’re not already dependent on nicotine, why take the risk of becoming addicted and damaging your health?” he says. “If you are dependent on nicotine, you are much better off using safe cessation tools that are proven to be effective to curb your cravings and get off tobacco products.”Finally, if you are a smoker, any non-tobacco based nicotine product is better, he says. But try prescription or over the counter forms before e-cigarettes.
"Down with anti maskers No mask on respect! No future Jesus is God! put god first down with relationships with floozy punks Down with all drugs Down with Donald trump"
The law of marriage was given in the second chapter of the Bible. Marriage was defined by God as being between one man and one woman long before the Old Covenant or today’s social and political machinations. The plain truth is that God established this law for a purpose, providing the blessing of marriage and family by taking two equal but different people and joining them together.
God emphasized this to Adam by having him name each animal so that Adam understood that it was not good for him to be alone (Genesis 2:18-20). So God created a helper, a companion—a woman, but was she just to be his assistant? By no means! She was given the same tasks, responsibility and rulership over the rest of creation as the man (Genesis 1:28-31).
Husband and wife, Adam and Eve, man and woman, were given a joint purpose to strive together in hope and love for a reason—one that is lost today as society has twisted the gender roles and marriage into broken societal trappings in place of a God-given law (Matthew 19:3-6).
Genesis 2:24-25 records, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” The Bible makes clear that God does not require everyone to marry, but those who do should follow this law for the stability of the family and society. This is a law that was before any covenant and that spans across both Old and New Covenants. God is deeply concerned about families, for He is in the process of building one!
#godblessyou on your birthday! Xoxo
Alexandra C Williams
#godblessyou on your birthday xoxo Alexandra c Williams
(CNN)You may love smoking weed, but it does not love your heart, according to the American Heart Association's new scientific statement on marijuana.
"The American Heart Association recommends that people not smoke or vape any substance, including cannabis products, because of the potential harm to the heart, lungs and blood vessels," said Dr. Rose Marie Robertson, the deputy chief science and medical officer for the American Heart Association, in a statement.
The new scientific statement, published Wednesday in the AHA journal Circulation, examined existing research on the connection between cannabis and the heart.
The statement found using weed has "the potential to interfere with prescribed medications" as well as "trigger cardiovascular conditions or events, such as heart attacks and strokes," said clinical pharmacologist Robert Page II, who chaired the medical writing group for the statement.
Anyone planning to use marijuana should discuss possible risks with their health professional first, said Page, who is a professor in the department of clinical pharmacy and physical medicine/rehabilitation at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Aurora, Colorado.
"If people choose to use cannabis for its medicinal or recreational effects, the oral and topical forms, for which doses can be measured, may reduce some of the potential harms," Page said in a statement.
"It is also vitally important that people only use legal cannabis products because there are no controls on the quality or the contents of cannabis products sold on the street," he added.
Some of the studies analyzed by the medical group found heart rhythm abnormalities, such as tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, could occur within the hour after weed containing THC is smoked. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive substance within marijuana that creates a "high."
Tetrahydrocannabinol can also cause a faster heart rate, increase the heart's need for oxygen, disrupt the walls of arteries and contribute to higher blood pressure while prone, according to other studies.
"Cannabis smoke contains components similar to tobacco smoke," Page said, and studies show tobacco-like increases in carbon monoxide and tar in a weed smoker's blood after smoking marijuana, regardless of the THC content.
Chest pain, heart attacks, heart rhythm disturbances and other serious heart conditions are associated with both tobacco and marijuana carbon monoxide intoxication, the statement said.
For anyone with existing heart disease, risks go up. Smoking weed has triggered heart attacks, a higher risk of strokes and heart failure in people with underlying heart disease, studies show.
In comparison, CBD, or cannabidiol, one of the other 80 chemicals in cannabis, does not give the "high" typically associated with THC. Nor does it appear to cause harm to the heart.
In fact, studies reviewed by the medical group showed possible links to lower blood pressure, reduced heart rate and less inflammation, which is an underlying culprit of the narrowing of the arteries that can lead to heart disease and strokes.
However, despite the hundreds of products currently being sold over the counter and online, there is only one CBD-derived product approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, the group wrote.
There is one caveat to all these research findings: Existing studies on marijuana and the heart are "short-term, observational and retrospective studies, which identify trends but do not prove cause and effect," Page said.
There is an "urgent" need for "carefully designed, prospective short- and long-term studies regarding cannabis use and cardiovascular safety," Page added.
But that's tough to do in today's climate, because marijuana is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance by the US Drug Enforcement Agency. That limits research dramatically, and the DEA should remove those restrictions so that scientists can better study marijuana's effects, the group advised.
In addition, the medical group recommended cannabis to be part of the US Food and Drug Administration's tobacco control and prevention efforts, which may mean that there would be age restrictions on who can purchase weed, retailer regulations and even excise taxes.
The American Heart Association is looking over the scientific statement and will be releasing new policy updates in coming weeks, according to Michelle Kirkwood, an AHA spokesperson.
"The public needs fact-based, valid scientific information about cannabis's effect on the heart and blood vessels," Page said.
"Research funding at federal and state levels must be increased to match the expansion of cannabis use -- to clarify the potential therapeutic properties and to help us better understand the cardiovascular and public health implications of frequent cannabis use."
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"Down with anti maskers No mask on respect! No future Jesus is God! put god first down with relationships with floozy punks Down with all drugs Down with Donald trump"
The law of marriage was given in the second chapter of the Bible. Marriage was defined by God as being between one man and one woman long before the Old Covenant or today’s social and political machinations. The plain truth is that God established this law for a purpose, providing the blessing of marriage and family by taking two equal but different people and joining them together.
God emphasized this to Adam by having him name each animal so that Adam understood that it was not good for him to be alone (Genesis 2:18-20). So God created a helper, a companion—a woman, but was she just to be his assistant? By no means! She was given the same tasks, responsibility and rulership over the rest of creation as the man (Genesis 1:28-31).
Husband and wife, Adam and Eve, man and woman, were given a joint purpose to strive together in hope and love for a reason—one that is lost today as society has twisted the gender roles and marriage into broken societal trappings in place of a God-given law (Matthew 19:3-6).
Genesis 2:24-25 records, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” The Bible makes clear that God does not require everyone to marry, but those who do should follow this law for the stability of the family and society. This is a law that was before any covenant and that spans across both Old and New Covenants. God is deeply concerned about families, for He is in the process of building one!
Many today regard the law of clean and unclean animals as an Old Covenant (ceremonial) law that was done away with when Christ was nailed to the cross. Modern Christianity teaches it as a Jewish tradition, antiquated and no longer necessary. Yet the first mention of this law was almost 1,000 years prior to its codification to the Israelites in Leviticus 11 (also see Deuteronomy 14).
The first mentions of this law are in Genesis 6:19; 7:2, 8; and 8:20. To put it plainly, this law long predates the Old Covenant! Noah was given clear instructions to set apart a different number of clean animals (seven) than unclean animals (two), just as Noah and his family were set apart by God from the wicked generation that He would destroy with the Flood. But why would God do this?
To begin with, God sets apart what is holy—He defines what is acceptable and righteous, not man. God then tells His people that they are to be holy (Deuteronomy 14:2; 1 Peter 1:16). Therefore we must strictly avoid anything that would contaminate us, either physically or spiritually (1 Corinthians 6:15-20). This is a law that, like marriage, is still in effect today.
In addition to the Old Covenant made at Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:3-8; 34:28), God gave civil and ceremonial laws to the nation of Israel. For example, the sacrificial law was not part of the Old Covenant that was entered into at Sinai. Rather, it was added later (see Jeremiah 7:22; Ezekiel 20:21-25; and Galatians 3:19).
It was God’s purpose to define the civil and sacrificial systems needed to govern a nation. Israel was to be set apart, to be holy (Leviticus 20:26) and blessed (Deuteronomy 28:1-14), but only if they had a heart of obedience.
Ceremonial law was a part of everyday life for the ancient Israelites, a way to teach them the spiritual principles needed to keep the law. Therefore sacrifices and washings, among many other ceremonial acts, often centered around the tabernacle/temple.
Outward rituals were meant to teach inward principles. But Israel lacked the spiritual discernment and heart to learn from these laws (1 Corinthians 2:14). Therefore God altered His approach, not because of flaws in the law, but because of the people (Hebrews 8:7-8).
Today the ceremonial and civil laws are no longer applicable, because we do not have a nation ruled by God’s law and the temple and sacrificial system no longer exist. Also, through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice (Revelation 1:5) the New Covenant was instituted. The book of Hebrews shows that the sacrifices and temple rituals were a type, pointing to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. As a result, these ceremonial laws are no longer a part of everyday Christian life.