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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Alexrock101’s Dos & Donts for Disney World resort

Pardon  All Princess and the frog ride attractions move them to Shanghai Disneyland resort and Hong Kong Disneyland resort  in China Asia for all eternity!
 Disneyland resort & Walt Disney World resort in America 
USA is eternally cancellation the princess and the frog rides
Are shutting down Alex O’s petition for shameless dislike behavior! 

Frederick Chambers Is the one who’s ruin splash mountain this whole time cause he call racist animal ride . I think he’s being the most racist on every single ride at Disneyland history #DownwithFrederickChambersdreamsforevermore #savesplashmountain

But re themed The jungle cruise line into the princess and the frog: the bayou cruise instead 
The story of Princess and the Frog shouldn’t have to move into Splash Mountain; it deserves its own elaborate show building, with brand-new figures and a story worthy of its voyage through the bayou.


  1. #SaveSplashMountain #SaveSplashMountain #SaveSplashMountain #SaveSplashMountain #SaveSplashMountain #savesplashmountainUSA #savesplashmountain2022 #savesplashmountainatdisneylandResort

  2. #savesplashmountain2022 #leavesplashmountainaloneorelse we’re not quitting just yet !
